Our journey began with the visionary André Silva, a young man filled with dreams and limited financial resources, who dared to take the initial step by opening a commercial representation. In 2001, Karetools emerged in a small space borrowed in his mother-in-law's house.
With his expertise in the tools sector, André chose to embark on a new trajectory, taking a risk in the commercial market by representing leading brands in the industry. His efforts were consistently rewarded with excellent results in each venture.
In 2011, we received an invitation from the renowned American company FORKARDT to be the Exclusive Representative in Brazil. A few years later, with the acquisition of FORKARDT by the HARDINGE group, we expanded our operations to the entire MERCOSUR. In this way, we felt the need to evolve, expand our team, and modernize our processes.
And so, the small Karetools transformed into RENOV INDUSTRIAL SOLUTIONS, a company dedicated to providing tools that offer efficient solutions for industrial processes.